Hello World!
My name is Jeremy Loulou. I like building tools that work. I'm particularly interested in keeping systems simple, infrastructure independent, efficient and rock-solid-reliable! I like how systems and embedded programming give opportunities to understand how things actually work and I like how low level programming—Segmentation fault
...That's never happened to me before, I swear... Anyway, I love tools: tools that enable and empower productive and improved lives and workflows, tools that work and always work, reliable whether they are mission critical or not, tools that reshape the world just by being available. Tools are awesome, whoo!
I do take my work seriously and the way to do that is not to take yourself too seriously.
-Alan Rickman
Voodoo is a keyboard concept defined by the ability to switch between layers with the use of joysticks at the thumb positions. The hardware is still in an early prototyping stage.
Voodoo keyboards run a custom firmware which simplifies keymap configuration to fit the layer dymanics of the thumb-stick switching and enables the aforementioned switching with specialized functionality.
Orichalcum is a file management tool. It's designed with small to medium sized repositories in mind and generally works to manage a few specific things (not code, git is infinitely more appropriate for that). Also, while the taggline began as "Version control life-style" it does not truely serve the purpose of a VCS, but rather that of a very advance corkboard tracking files then letting you control the versions as needed.
Mini-Projects and Libraries
I've written a few tools and libraries, either for fun, practice or as parts of other, more singnificant projects. These aren't significant enough to have earned their own homepage (yet), but have plenty of pottential to serve or entertain, so they've been compiled into a little collection found below.