Jeremy Loulou
Building little tools that work
A Keyboard of Might and Mystery for the 42ed Century.
The voodoo keyboard is the product of an exotic idea and a desire to find a better solution to ergonomic minimalism. Learn More.
The voodoo firmware powers the keyboard. It enables switching layers, holding keys on non-active layers, implicit keys, multi-mod keys and much more.
Tracking Files and Managing Backups Kept Simple
Orichalcum is a CLI tool that tracks files in a given repository. It can be thought of as git-light in many ways, but aims to be a simpler solution specifically targeted at a few peculiar use-cases. The core idea behind Orichalcum is to facilitate manual management of files. If you know what files you have and just want to validate that knowledge in case you have a human moment, this is the tool for you.
The Auto-modal Word Editor of an Android's Digital Dreams.
A zeroth generation AWE tailor-made for creative writers: Quixotic is a word editor that lives in the terminal and engulfs its user in lavish minimalism.
Some Things I've Done
Go library and CLI for analysing the structure of text. Used to optimize Voodoo keymaps.
Create corruption-resistant copies of small and medium files. Used by Orichalcum.
A CLI for splintering any digital file into any number of smaller files.
A Rubik's cube solving algorithm written in Haskell. Holds a special place in my heart as one of my first pieces of software.